July 2018
For Atrophic Society's 10th release, simply titled "X", Material Object has delved into his archives to uncover a previously unreleased co-production with Audio Injection in the form of "Cwejack". Effectual and triumphant. marching forward with purpose. A treasure. A perfect fit.
"Grindr", Material object's other contribution, takes us to the wild edge of sonic exploration and back again. Music poised to push us into the abyss with acidic snarls and overwhelming drones, a writhing black sea swallowing everything in it's path.
Married with Vohkinne's "Vestigial Structures" and "Device One (Risualistic)", the theme of the EP takes shape. Non-standard music for non-standard people. X marks the spot. Get lost, drown, buried deep. Go beyond.